GRI – from G4 to Standards
June 19, 2018GRI Standards update 2018
July 3, 2018What is the carbon footprint of a big event such as a trade fair?
What should be considered in calculations?
An example could be the carbon footprint associated with the organization of this year’s CSR Marketplace (see datails of the event here).
About 70 exhibitors took part in April in 7th edition of the Responsible Business Forum CSR Marketplace – including Diaphane, as well as Bureau Veritas Polska responsible for calculating the carbon footprint of the event.
We want to thank the Bureau Veritas team and the event organizer for using Diaphane Software to collect data from exhibitors. | Left to right:
Calculating carbon footprint
What is a carbon footprint? It is the total emission into the atmosphere of greenhouse gases (GHG) in connection with undertaking an activity.
In the case of the CSR Marketplace carbon footprint, the following data was used in the calculations:
- Transport of the exhibitors to the event and the materials used at the stands,
- Operation of the rented exhibition space,
- Preparation of printed promotional materials,
- Accommodation and catering for exhibitors.
Data were estimated based on information from – among others – the stadium manager and collected from 33 exhibitors (52%) through the Diaphane Software platform (see the graph below):
Carbon footprint in GRI Standards
Carbon footprint is a concept referred to in the GRI’s most commonly used reporting standards.
Interestingly, it is referred to it not in the case of indicators from the GRI 305 – Emissions, but in the GRI 201-2: Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate change.
carbon capture and storage;
fuel switching;
use of renewable and lower carbon footprint energy;
improving energy efficiency;
flaring, venting, and fugitive emission reduction;
renewable energy certificates;
use of carbon offsets.
If you want to learn about our tool and how it supports the data collection, ESG management and non-financial reporting process, please contact us.