Engage all required team members  to collect the data as close to their source as possible


Diaphane is built with technology which allows in practice infinite scalability of the performance. There’s no need to install any software at the end-user devices. Everything what’s required is an access to internet and web browser. Data processing is performed in the cloud which scalability is unlimited.

Scalable organisational structures

We’re not expecting to model the whole organisational structures as of day one. From practice we know that identifying all sources of the data is impossible at early stage of the process. That’s why Unit Leaders may add organisational sub-units to their units as they know their organisations better than ESG Manager as they are closer to them. Step-by-step final organisational structures are built using the knowledge of the engaged users.

Friendly reorganisation

Changes are part of our lives. In Diaphane it’s easy to edit, add and remove organisational units to reflect present state. You can use multiple organisational structures (companies in the financial group, physical locations, business units etc.) to collect various data in the most suitable structure. 

Diaphane allows simple adoption to changing environment.